dos2 source orbs. Once you have the Face Ripper, you’ll need to collect Source Orbs in order to craft a wearable mask. dos2 source orbs

 Once you have the Face Ripper, you’ll need to collect Source Orbs in order to craft a wearable maskdos2 source orbs  Rallying Cry Paper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Garlic Shackles of Pain Paper Sheet + Essence of Shadow + Skull

Source Orb. Up Next: Quests You Shouldn't Skip. 3. What do you do with source ORB in dos2? This Source Orb can be used to gain a Source Point, or used in place of a rune on your equipment, or used as an ingredient in special crafting recipes. Runner. Sovereign's Orb is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin and Divinity: Original Sin 2. #2. Autumn rumbles, the sky lit aglow. Resisted by Physical Armour. On The Lady Vengeance, Han can be sent out to fetch various crafting ingredients, some of which are very valuable. One use item that will |Oil-filled rocks are sent at all enemies in the area. 1 Augmentor + Minor/Medium = Normal. Dinner gives +2 Strength but Dwarven Stew only gives +1. Made from puppet bead (looks like a ruby) and animal scales with source orbs. Related Topics. ** -- are only available in DOS2:DE with activated "Herb gardens" mod from Gift Bag #2 "Song of nature". As you progress through the game you'll come across points where you must interact with the Divine, and will grant you these skills to help your ascension into godhood. delicious. Any ideas on how I'd go about obtaining a single source point? < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . So STR+3 is better than Warfare+1. After equipping the mask and changing into an elf, I could equip any helmet afterwards, as the hand-crafted masks don't take up the helmet slot. Are there any other source pools or ways to. Runner: KablomsPut the "SkillBookRecipesExpanded. In order to upgrade a rune, you will need to combine two of the same rune plus pixie dust, the combination should look like this: Small Masterwork Rune + Small Masterwork Rune + Pixie Dust. You can indeed make the 75%. And set some other shit like Evasion Aura from source orbs or even the Aero spell. You can target any corpse directly. Then equip that face mask and use it's change ability, then remove the mask and you will stay that race and can wear any helmet you want. On your 3rd turn, without any physical armor on the enemy, you can now Forced Exchange them, down to 1hp, healing you to full, then you just 1 tap them. I prefer DOS2 over BG3, but the main thing BG3 does better is experience gain. same thing for tortured souls more recipes. #2 < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Source Orbs as soon as they are available, otherwise small stuff along the way, maybe a Starfish for Holy Hand Grenade early on. So STR+3 is better than Warfare+1. The Advocate is a powerful level 16 demonic lizard that you'll find on Bloodmoon Island (in the western part, to be precise). 7%. 3. This Source Orb can be used to gain a Source Point, or used in place of a rune on your equipment, or used as an ingredient in special crafting recipes. This combination only works up to large runes though, runes higher up such as giant require a higher grade of pixie dust. This is correct. Getting the second volume is a requirement for “Treated Like Cattle,” which involves transforming two (2. #1. Popular Discussions View All (1)Created by baardvaark. One example is the Blood Rain ability, which is the result of combining. The reward that I got was 8 source orbs from the girl (and vendor trash from the demon). Just eat them up after combat or while wandering around. 191. Note that any higher level material can replace a lower one in the same recipe. 10. They're one of the few crafting items you want to stock up on along with Source Orbs. Both aren't great rouges. • Honour Walkthrough: link. The riddle is: Winter shudders with ice and snow. Not sure. Obviously it makes it easy, but still it makes sense lore-wise. I have put different types of armor, source orbs, scrolls, skill books, gold, food items, ingredients, you name it. when your playing through in nightmare mode you would not believe the number of fights where these things save your ass and stop you from having to start the game over. Source infused meat and the dwaren customs excerpt. DIVINITY ORIGNAL SIN 2 | Source Orb Location Trading | Shapeshifting Mask Craftinginfinite source orbshow to find source orbswhere to buy source orbssource o. You'll just have to conserve and rely upon Source Orbs and the pools around. Simply make a lot of skin graft scrolls, source orbs become plentiful from traders past lvl 16, animal scales being limiting factor and spam adrenaline to your hearts content. So, if you're looking for skyrim-style fwackoom armour or grand crafted mace of one-hit-deathblow, you won't find it in dos2, the actual weapon/armour crafting is pretty pants, BUT if you're a hoarder of junk there's tons of VERY useful consumables you can craft (scrolls, potions, arrows, even certain select. I believe the recipe is 1 source orb, sheet of paper and animal skin. Crafting books is now also possible, by combining empty skill books with skill scrolls or combining two books to create entirely new skills. Having 10 Warfare increases the physical damage dealt by 50%. Will update the list with any new recipes from full game Hope this helps Source: Divinity Original Sin 2 Wiki. Use these skills wisely to absolutely devastate your foes. This can extend your supply without consuming all your trumpet of death mushrooms. when Warfare is 10, marginal gain from Warfare+1 is 3. You usually want a steady supply of these on hand, both for straight damage and for causing effects on the ground, and they are cheaper to make than to buy. Chitoloco Sep 15, 2017 @ 7:50pm. Second run through (replay for DE) and in my first run I talked to him and he was important for a few key quests. Both are easy to craft, although merchants should be selling plenty of these. Sheet of paper + Source orb + Livewood log: Shoot spores of corrosive acid that deal poison damage. Arrowhead Arrow Shaft. Malicharo • 6 yr. Resisted by Magic Armour. Submit. You find your original 4 species mask you had at the very start, while still on the island. Larian, please FIX THIS ASAP. . Last edited by Fonglet ; Sep 28, 2017 @ 6:21pm. Cursed Poison. Disembodied hand can turn into grasp of the starved scrolls with a high quality shadow essence. Talk to Siva outside Driftwood. Thank you I was just pondering the aesthetic of source orbs. Venom Coated. „. 1 Augmentor + Normal = Large. 3. DarkFenix Sep 25, 2017 @ 3:20am. Water Essence Freezes. Reply reply There are several ways to get more Source points in Divinity 2. The most consistent way to regen source in-combat in vanilla is consuming source-orbs, which serves as the balance point. ago. Love Grenade. Resisted by Magic Armour. Tarquin is a NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2. I forgot what was the crafting recipe for medium resistance potion, but you can look that up and hoard those as well. act 2 continue maxing geo and then take mnemonic at level 13. Crafting books is now also possible, by combining empty skill books with skill scrolls or combining two books to create entirely new skills. just keep playing and you’ll find some as you level. Players can also combine blank Skill Books of the corresponding Skill in order to create Skill Books. When the player arrives at the magicockerel's location, he will tell the player that Peeper has. Should have read through the list. Arrows Material Crafting Station Effects; Arrow. I have seen some posts about the worthless (apparently) crafting system in this game, and i thought of making a thread where we could share the less known crafts, or at least, the most important ones. Source Points are very rare. Silence broken quest. This mod adds more than 1600 new crafting recipes; more than 550 new items; new mechanics like armor dyeing, elemental swords, craftable new unique armors, weapons and accessories, Quality of Life additions like bags, chests, moveable crafting stations to the game. For navigation over the (really lo-o-ong) page use Table of contents at the right. Skin Graft Scroll - 0 AP/0 SP! - Sheet of Paper + Source Orb + Animal Scales . However you can remove them and you remain as the 'mask race'. Source orb in a weapon slot grants venemous aura. esscences are used in various recipes, you can view them online, or you can find these recipes ingame in books called CRAFTING BIBLE. As a rare crafting material in a game with randomized loot, Source Orbs can be very tough to find. At least the Face Ripper masks + Source Orb give you an option that you can wear headgear again. This begins East of Driftwood. demi Sep 25, 2017 @ 3:43am. Range 13m. Talk to Big Marge. You can increase the range of any arrow by 2m with the Far Out Man talent. Have a source master increase your source level. He will sell it for about 2,700+ gold each Source Orb also act as a special item. Share Sort by:. Yarn Electric Fence Scroll. I prefer DOS2 over BG3, but the main thing BG3 does. The poison/earth incarnate will have high geo score so the extra poison damage scales really. source orbs give two SP each with Five-Star Diner, one of the most generally-powerful talents available om nom nom Reply reply [deleted] •. Chamelion Cloak, Forced Exchange that was used in an attempt to kill Grog the troll because I almost always get first turn, Cloak and Dagger, Tactical Retreat, Spread your Wings, a lot of source orbs, Enrage, The More The Merrier, Pawn, and a few other things. Skillbooks crafting is done by combining a skillbook with a 'Source Infused Ink & Quill'. Once the spell is cast, it consumes the Source points. You wont see Source skills that require more than 1 SP to cast until higher levels anyway, it scales pretty well. He is open to teaching you the source, but it won't be cheap, and you'll have to pay the price. 4~1. Otherwise it's really just roleplaying decisions, although if you allow the masters to teach you anyway they'll give you a spell book, and Jahan gives you a special summon. As a rare crafting material in a game with randomized loot, Source Orbs can be very tough to find — but most players find their first Source Orbs in Act 2, at Driftwood. Source orbs can be consumed to replenish a Source point. There is a source amulet, appropriately named "Source Amulet" that gives you 5 extra source points. POTIONS TIP 1: Empty potion bottle + penny bun mushroom, yarrow flowers, amadouvier, or whisperwood. Ingredients. You can do it with source orbs. 1400 gold “ Glowing brightly with a spectral blue brilliance, it almost hurts to gaze at it too long. Source orb in a necklace or ring grants evasive aura. My wife made such amlet (source orb into Rune slot) for herself but the Evasive Aura skill on her action bar from this amulet is always greyed out (can't be used) even if she is in combat, has source point and equiped amulet. ) than focusing on a defensive style of game (healing, supporting). Curse Scrolls: You can craft curse scrolls using Source Orbs, which I believe you can acquire for the first time during this act. Generally not, with maybe two exceptions. This Source Orb can be used to gain a Source Point, or used in place of a rune on your equipment, or used as an ingredient in special crafting recipes. Source Orb. Talents are easy. Please enjoy my incredibly silly project. The only big spells you can get before Act II are "Ethereal Storm" (which takes a carrot) and "summon hungry. Keep the tablet it is a very useful crafting ingredient. Atop the orb is an amethyst surmounted by a jewelled cross, symbolising the Christian world, with a sapphire on one side and an emerald on the other. Respect the source, means to simply never use source vampirism of any kind, infinite source vats like in Meistr Siva's basement are 100% alright, I am not very confident on source orbs and I'd wager money that sucking up soul jars is against the rules as it "consumes living source" sort of and kills off the NPC. Grenade Recipes. And no, Han can't die. The Mass Cleanse Wounds comes from a source orb in an armor slot. OR 2) If you have already obtained Anathema, simply combine it with 4 Source Orbs to obtain a scroll that when cast will give you the new version of the sword. Empty Canister. of the Gitga’at and Kitasoo Native Peoples. Just got the faceripper from kniles. Source is only added to the amulet if you have full 3 charges of source on the character :) Also, Using the skill that comes with the amulet consumes its charges! Don't use that skill!Divinity Original Sin 2 Recipes. AoE radius 5m. P13. It's for Definitive Edition only. The Source Amulet which has this skill is in possession of Toyseller Sanders in Arx after saving Lord Arhu. eventually also learn soothing cold and cryogenic stasis, and put a source orb in your chest for mass cleanse wounds. Consuming source-orbs has an AP to SP conversion factor of 1. Ingredients. The most important ones are: 2 healing potions of the same tier get you a healing potion one tier higher. • Honour Walkthrough: link. Submit Submit Close. the world was white with ice and snow. That was another one of my concern lol I know she's a source user but she ain't no Malady. Specifically, the source-infused meat. You need to pump up your dual-wielding skill for that. Learning Skills in DOS2. they give skills when used as runes (the skills they give are in the description), or you can eat them to. Fastest way without draining spirits or popping Source Orbs in Act 2 is to just use the Driftwood Square waypoint and use the Source fountain in Meister Siva's house. Soul Mate Paper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Wheat. theres a dungeon room in the castle where you meet Gavin (this is not far from the fort itself) that has a cursed switch and npc, theres an infiniate spplu of srouce in there form the green tank on the right of the room. Mass Cleanse Wounds happens to be one of the 3 skills you can get by equipping a Source Orb to your armor. Source Points in Divinity: Original Sin 2 grant very powerful Source Skills that the player can use. Anonymous. You need to face rip one corspe of every race to get that face. This mod adds more than 1600 new crafting recipes; more than 550 new items; new mechanics like armor dyeing, elemental swords, craftable new unique armors, weapons and accessories, Quality of Life additions like bags, chests, moveable crafting stations to the game. -increasing item level with source orbs will require 3 source orbs-Seal of tier-cindilius and now has a chance to add a source point when using flesh sacrifice-rewrote script that applies enemy effects to make it more consisttent-Rift walker range now scales with memory-IceBreaker will now create water surfaces rather than removing the ice surface. Jellyroom Frost Grenade. Just confirming that I have found the scroll 'somewhere' at Level 12, and you can buy the blank skill book (in my instance from Lizard Patron in the Undertavern) at Level 12. Yellow Garden Spider. blessed Water Arrowhead. Your only rush is asking for where to get the source points! It'll come in time - hold unto your axe until then. After 640 hours of game time. To learn the talent you need 1 talent point. Source puddles grant +1 Source point for one character, Source fountain is an inexhaustible source of the Source. One use item that will |Oil-filled rocks are sent at all enemies in the area. Empty Canister. Infinite. The shield now has 110 armor. they are like runes and temp buffs and etc. Honestly I think I killed the cat because I think he drops a Source Orb. It happens if the last person of the turn. To be honest though, I use source maybe four or five fights in an entire playthrough myself. Other methods to circumvent the bulbs, and certainly many other cloud hazards and the like, are: Teleport (Aerothurge), Tactical Retreat (Marksman), Phoenix Dive (Warfare), and Cloak and Dagger (Scoundrel). Damage base on basic attack and Finesse. 4~1. More Source Points: You can gain up to 2 more Source Points by completing one of the seven quests related to the Powerful Awakening quest. Chain Lightning Scroll. I don't remember the level of the mobs, but you do have some fighting before the source lab is available, so be prepared. Black Shroud Scroll. Hey guys, I need a source orb to craft an item. Far from actually trying to cause damage to anyone or anything, Mad Fane proceeds to quaff all my best resistance potions, Source Orbs (!), really anything valuable he can get his grubby skeletal hands on. The scrolls I used the most were apotheosis and skin graft. This build is meant for solo experience as a Lone Wolf. Make source infused meat by getting the source orb from meister sivas basement and raw mutton from the meat trader in driftwood. Made from puppet bead (looks like a ruby) and animal scales with source orbs. This would cost all my gold and a few (not so good) items but I have heard that source orbs are very useful and so I am considering buying one to use as. 1. The gameplay loop is somewhat like Diablo end game where you travel to rifts. For instance, disembodied hands can make a really great source skill scroll (Grasp of the Starved) - combine with just a HQ Shadow Essence and a sheet of paper, you can cast a source skill for 1 AP and no source. Could cast one more spell (infect is a 3AP spell, but the other only non-source decent ranged spell in necro). They should really remove AI ability to use items from inventory when they charm players char. Difference is, you have to wear Fanes mask to stay shapeshifted, if you craft one yourself you can put a helmet on and stay shapeshifted. So you can make things like +2 STR/13% Physical Runes or +2 Dual. However, upon reaching Act 2 on my Definitive Edition playthrough, Fane keeps. The AI will do nothing on their turns. delicious. Thank you very much! -increasing item level with source orbs will require 3 source orbs-Seal of tier-cindilius and now has a chance to add a source point when using flesh sacrifice-rewrote script that applies enemy effects to make it more consisttent-Rift walker range now scales with memory-IceBreaker will now create water surfaces rather than removing the ice surface. Resisted by Magic Armour. Jul 8, 2018 @ 8:10am Originally posted by Stavik: I almost got an infinite loop, well it was more like 15 or so of them until one finally managed to survive it's turn. Physical damage is your best bet. hell she is a part demon/demon born. Wool Chain Lightning Scroll. Does work with Elemental Arrows that Rangers can use, but adds more damage of the Arrow type based on your Geomancer ability. Cluster Grenade Fire Damage. #1. DOS2's original crafting system wasn't all that robust and could be ignored for the most part, but luckily for all of us, Elvasat gav. Adds recipes to craft all the new skillbooks. GFX Sep 24, 2018 @ 12:42am. Though it is possible for Source Vampirism to consume Shriekers, Purge has a significantly longer cast range than Source Vampirism to avoid their fatal screams. Shadow Essence. Source Orb. option is going with a poison or earth infusion and keeping Venomous Aura either memorized or get it for free from a source orb on your weapon. Resisted by Magic Armour. You might have trouble in later acts where such a fountain isn't available though. Source orbs are op. You can craft it. My girlfriend is obsessed with dos2 we've been playing it pretty heavily for about a month now today she said "I love this game I've got a gamer boner. Here is the recipe list for the mod with separate. Need to track down a Source Master in Divinity: Original Sin 2? Here's where to find each Source Teacher in the game. Theres a waypoint right inside so you can just go and get who ever you dropped afterwards. The crafted combined mask of the shapeshifter still requires you to wear it. Sheet of Paper. Perma elf on Fane was broken af but I kinda miss the versatility of min/maxing race on origin characters. Note that Barrels (of Oil/Ooze/Water) can be used indefinitely. How and where do you get them? Where's the first one you can acquire? Thanks!DIVINITY ORIGNAL SIN 2 | Source Orb Location Trading | Shapeshifting Mask Craftinginfinite source orbshow to find source orbswhere to buy source orbssource o. Use a skill to get up and over. |. Jahan - after the quest to kill Advocate. If you decide to get a source point from Hannag, the character who talked to her will no longer be able to use the Pet Pal talent. Polymorph Master Armour of FrostThere are 7 source teachers in act 2 I could find: Mordus will have a dialogue option after defeating him. Talk to Siva, press button behind painting near bathroom. theres a dungeon room in the castle where you meet Gavin (this is not far from the fort itself) that has a cursed switch and npc, theres an infiniate spplu of srouce in there form the green tank on the right of the room. Dragon Sep 26, 2018 @ 7:41pm. Then on your next turn eat some source orbs and stay invisible. Malicharo • 6 yr. We also freed Arhu. #2. Sourcery Skills (not to be confused with Source skills) are a set of skills that is integral to the story of Divinity: Original Sin 2. The only way to release them from their torment is to kill them. Apr 13, 2019 @ 12:14pm That's impressive; I'm nowhere nearly as good as you, and maybe use source too much, but have found that I can vamp. DOS2 Discussion I’ve been planning to do a grenade-based run with Beast for years now, but never got around to it. Armour of the Eternals. I'm only playing DOS2 now, so you probably solved this by now. Sourcery Skills (not to be confused with Source skills) are a set of skills that is integral to the story of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Last edited by DarkFenix ; Sep 25, 2017 @ 3:20am. |. Reply Replies (3) 10 +1. The best way to get more Source Points is to use Source Fountains, a renewable method. Evasive Aura Effects. This begins after speaking with Malady. Shadow Essence. Anonymous. By the time one gets the four source orbs and four faces needed, you will in all likelihood have Fane's faceshifter mask back. To be honest though, I use source maybe four or five fights in an entire playthrough myself. Confirm importance please? So I killed toy maker sanders. This Source Orb can be used to gain a Source Point, or used in place of a rune on your equipment, or used as an ingredient in special crafting recipes. Source Orbs. 18 Jun 2020 12:12. Even source orbs can allow you to obtain spamable source skills. Wow. Select the item you want to put it into, then select the source orb. He is level 15. Turn 1: Delay and turn stack or Time Warp (or both to triple turn stack lol). Sparkmaster. Chain Lightning Scroll. A feather, air essence, and a piece of paper can be combined to make Teleportation scrolls, one of the most useful spells in the game. Pixie Dust (or) Honey. List of places located on the map of the Reaper's Coast, in which you can gain/refill the Source points. Deals fire damage. This Source Orb can be used to gain a Source Point, or used in place of a rune on your equipment, or used as an ingredient in special crafting recipes. 30 Source Orbs 7 Virtue Tokens 6 Source Potions All ready for that final fight! :P I mean, I have more source refills (50) than I have potions! XD Reply. Then used my source orb, grand healing elixir and source skill. Hannag is evil as is her source teaching. LOCKPICKS: anvil + claw hammer + nails. Shadow Realm provides some basic endgame content to the DOS2 by adding a kind of infinite arena where you fight randomized enemies. To activate these. Woah. Good to know though! You can find a book called Dwarven Customs & Traditions, it contains all recipes of Vulture Armour and a recipe called Source-infused meat (Muttom, any earth essence, source orb). You can craft the mask. Sells Necromancer Skills. Yuzlol • 6 yr. Wool Chain Lightning Scroll. Put a small masterwork into the shield's rune slot (+10%). Very possible. Thanks for the help. I accidentally killed an npc in Arx. Most obviously, via source water, which covers the surface area of specific locations in Divinity Original Sin 2. This cancels the animation, and leaves you in your new form with the combat. Locked post. Daeyena and Peeper quest conflicts in act 2. Any ideas where I can get one? Thanks ^ Related Topics Divinity: Original Sin Role-playing video game Gaming comments. Han can find Source Orbs for me in Act 2 currently. Ryker is evil and teaches the source evily as well. POTIONS TIP 2: Two potions of the same type = a 1. Finally: You can make a Dinner with any fish, raw meat, or eggs with a stove or cook pot. 7 = 77 base damage. Venomous Aura trivia & strategies. 1. Join. -Cleanse wound range is extreamely short but it heals a lot and also remove decaying, making it the only. Credits and distribution permission. year of strategizing and shaving off seconds by the speedrunning community has culminated in a sub 9 minute speedrun of DOS2. 3 of my friends that finished the game already got me into DOS2. When the Seven Gods rose against their eternal brethren, Source was released into the wider world and as part of this, embedded into. Drinking it will do more than quench your thirst; it will replenish your Source powers. You can get in with lock picking or use alt to search for the nearby key. Reply. 0-1. By way of background I came across these games via the virus and my past history playing the Baldurs Gate (BG. 1. r/DivinityOriginalSin. So once you have source orb you don't mind to spend, cook the recipe “source infused meat” and forget about having to worry you will lose your mutton. Advertisement. Have read both books, got the recipe for source infused meat, and have all the required ingredients, but it won't let me craft. Stacking scrolls is super overpowered. Fill the amulet by casting the skill "Replenish Source" on bodies or just consume extra five source (Source Orbs, Source. The cost and rarity and the multiple uses of a source orb don't seem to offset any craft-able item, rendering Blessed Cleanser and transmuters basically. I read somewhere that in DOS 2 crafted weapons are not that imba as the DOS 1 ones. You might also be able to do it by stepping in Source puddles while it was equipped. Hades Sep 16, 2017 @ 12:07pm. Once you have the Face Ripper, you’ll need to collect Source Orbs in order to craft a wearable mask. (obtainable through socketed source orbs) as you can be close together. Its not, its just that the single race helmets are possibly bugged (crafted 4 form one transforms you back too). Source Orb - Found in Act 2 (May be inaccurate don't know exact. Wool. And any source you consume after your main 3-point pool is full will go into the amulet for later use. Source Orb. Good luck - Level 13 a biggie with that shiny. The first and the easiest way is to consume the Dreamer's Source. Really strong and fun build to play. The crafted combined mask of the shapeshifter still requires you to wear it. On your 3rd turn, without any physical armor on the enemy, you can now Forced Exchange them, down to 1hp, healing you to full, then you just 1 tap them. Originally posted by Prismbox: I'm guessing it's something you craft and one of the ingredients will be a source point or soul jar. All primary attributes increased by 5. Answered By: Lucas Roberts Date: created: Dec 21 2022. Plus crafting scales with your level. Source points can also be obtained by consuming spirits. Source Orb. Learn a skill that will |Curse the target to explode in 3 turns or on death. This build is meant for solo experience as a Lone Wolf. If you are however set. Even not with their own element. . As for summoner Necro build I found that summoning greatly boosts Bloated Corpse and paired with Supercharger provide absolutely broken results throughout act 1, so if you're willing to respec act2 then going first act solo. In DoS2, the best defense is a strong offence. When used as runes, they grant powerful skills that otherwise would require considerable investment in a school of magic to learn. I was fighting that fire crucified skeleton boss and it has charmed a red prince. This quest has the possessed kid you rescue from bloodmoon isle that joins you in the hull of Lady V. Source orbs are expensive. Also better than having it as a skill. So if you want to use builds that don't focus damage, you need to synergize them with builds that do. Damn. Source Skills (not to be confused with Sourcery Skills ) in Divinity Original Sin 2 are a new type of skill that require Source Points to use. Also got Apotheosis, Skin Graft, Flesh Sacrifice, Adrenaline and Chameleon Cloak. -Restoration is the weakest in terms of pure healing imo but it also set regenerating for two turns. That's a shame though. It raises dodging by 90% and Movement Speed by 1m. In Divinity: Original Sin 2, skills are primarily learned by reading Skill Books, either purchased (or stolen) from vendors or found as loot throughout the game. The necro is super easy to use and aero is easier to elemental affinity with hydro or necro attached. They can however be disabled by hitting them with their own element.